Wavelength dependence and kinetics of the photovoltaic effects in chloroplast suspensions Geza Meszena Biophysical Chemistry 48: 315-319 (1994) Summary The photovoltaic effect in chloroplast suspension is studied using laser pulses of various wavelengths in a single experimental setup. The polarity of the photovoltage depends on the wavelength of the laser pulse rather than the differences between laser and flash-lamp pulses. At the long-wavelength-side of the visible spectrum and between the two absorption bands of the chlorophyll the observed polarity is opposite to that expected from simple shading. Also, the decay kinetics of the signals are wavelength dependent. In some wavelength regions the signal has a positive, as well as a negative component. We show that swollen chloroplasts exhibit understandably different photovoltaic effects. This observation suggests, that polarity depends on the geometry of the chloroplasts and support the theory, that the interference pattern of the light distribution determines the polarity of the signal.