In publication data bases: Google Scholar, MTMT
- L. Pásztor & G. Meszéna: Stable laws in a changing world: The explanatory structure of evolutionary theories over the centuries. ecoevorxiv 3648
- G. Meszéna & U. Dieckmann: Three-phase transitions to reproductive isolation: The roles of utilization mismatch and residual selection. bioRxiv 595082
- F. De Laender, C. Carpentier, T. Carletti, C. Song, S. L. Rumschlag, M. B. Mahon, M. Simonin, G. Meszéna & G. Barabás: Mean species responses predict effects of environmental change on coexistence. Ecology Letters 26:1535–1547 (2023)
- L. Pásztor, G. Barabás & G. Meszéna: Competitive exclusion and evolution: convergence almost never produces ecologically equivalent species. American Naturalist 195(4): E112-E117 (2020) Preprint
- A. G. Rossberg, G. Barabás, H. P. Possingham, M. Pascual, P. A. Marquet, C. Hui, M. R. Evans & Géza Meszéna: Let’s train more theoretical ecologists – here is why. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 34(9): 759-762 (2019) Online
- Zs. Vásárhelyi, G. Meszéna & I. Scheuring: Evolution of heritable behavioural differences in a model of social division of labour. PeerJ 3:e977 (2015) Online
- G. Barabás, L. Pásztor, G. Meszéna & A. Ostling: Sensitivity analysis of coexistence in ecological communities: theory and application. Ecology Letters 17(12): 1479-1494 (2014)
- G. Barabás, G. Meszéna & A. Ostling: Fixed point sensitivity analysis of interacting structured populations. Theoretical Population Biology 92: 97-106 (2014)
- G. Barabás, R. D’Andrea, G. Meszéna & A. Ostling: Emergent neutrality or hidden niches? Oikos 122(11):1565-1572 (2013)
- G. Meszéna & A. Hendry: Introduction to Niche Theory and Speciation. Evolutionary Ecology Research 14(4): 361-363 (2012) PDF
- G. Barabás, S. Pigolotti, M. Gyllenberg, U. Dieckmann & G. Meszéna: Continuous coexistence or discrete species? A new review of an old question. Evolutionary Ecology Research 14: 523-554 (2012)
- G. Barabás, G. Meszéna & A. Ostling: Community robustness and limiting similarity in periodic environments. Theoretical Ecology 5: 265-282 (2012) PDF
- A. Szilágyi & G. Meszéna: Coexistence in a fluctuating environment by the effect of relative nonlinearity: a minimal model. Journal of Theoretical Biology 267: 502-512 (2010)
- L. Pásztor, Z. Botta-Dukát, T. Czárán, G. Magyar & G. Meszéna: Darwinian speciation and modern ecology (in Hungarian). Természet Világa, 2009. II. special issue
- L. Pásztor, Z. Botta-Dukát, T. Czárán, G. Magyar & G. Meszéna: Darwinian Ecology (in Hungarian). Magyar Tudomány, 2009 december, pp. 1434-1443 HTML
- B. Oborny, J. Vukov, G. Csányi & G. Meszéna: Metapopulation dynamics across gradients – The relation between colonization and extinction in shaping the range edge. Oikos 118: 1453-1460 (2009)
- K. Parvinen & G. Meszéna: Disturbance-generated niche-segregation in a structured metapopulation model. Evolutionary Ecology Research 11: 651-666 (2009)
- G. Barabás & G. Meszéna: When the exception becomes the rule: the disappearance of limiting similarity in the Lotka-Volterra model. Journal of Theoretical Biology 258: 89-94 (2009)
- A. Szilágyi & G. Meszéna: Limiting similarity and niche theory for structured populations. Journal of Theoretical Biology 258: 27-37 (2009) Preprint PDF
- A. Szilágyi & G. Meszéna: Two-patch model of spatial niche segregation. Evolutionary Ecology 23: 187-205 (2009) Preprint PDF The original publication is available at HTML PDF
- G. Meszéna: Ecology and evolution from a physicist’s viewpoint. (in Hungarian) Fizikai Szemle, 2008 november, pp. 391-395 Article PDF (black & while) Whole issue PDF (on the 10th anniversary of the Department, in color, much nicer!)
- M. Durinx, J. A. J. Metz & G. Meszéna: Adaptive dynamics for physiologically structured population models. Journal of Mathematical Biology 56(5): 673-742 (2008) Preprint PDF Online PDF
- P.S. Pennings, M. Kopp, G. Meszéna, U. Dieckmann & J. Hermisson: An analytically tractable model for competitive speciation. American Naturalist 171(1): E44-71 (2008) E-article
- B. Oborny, Gy. Szabó & G. Meszéna: Survival of species in patchy landscapes: percolation in space and time. In: D. Storch, P. Marquet & J. Brown (eds.) Scaling biodiversity. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge pp. 409-440 (2007) Santa Fe preprint
- P. Szabó & G. Meszéna: Multi-scale regulated plant community dynamics: mechanisms and implications. Oikos 116: 233-240 (2007) PDF
- P. Szabó & G. Meszéna: Spatial ecological hierachies: Coexistence on heterogeneous landscapes via scale niche diversification. Ecosystems 9: 1009-1016 (2006) PDF
- P. L. Várkonyi, G. Meszéna & G. Domokos: Emergence of asymmetry in evolution. Theoretical Population Biology 70(1): 63-75 (2006) PDF
- P. Szabó & G. Meszéna: Limiting similarity revisited. Oikos 112(3): 612-619 (2006) PDF
- G. Meszéna, M. Gyllenberg, L. Pásztor & J. A. J. Metz: Competitive exclusion and limiting similarity: a unified theory. Theoretical Population Biology 69(1): 68-87 (2006) PDF
- G. Meszéna, M. Gyllenberg, F. J. Jacobs & J. A. J. Metz: Link between population dynamics and dyanamics of Darwinian evolution. Physical Review Letters 95(7): 078105 (2005) PDF
- G. Meszéna: Populáció reguláció és niche. Magyar Tudomány (2005/4, 410. o., Title in English: Population regulation and niche)
- Meszéna, G.:Adaptive dynamics: the continuity argument. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18(5): 1182-1185 (2005) PDF This is an invited commentary on the „Target review” „20 questions on Adaptive Dynamics: a target review” by Waxman & Gavrilets, Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18(5): 1139-1154 (2005)
- Oborny, B., G. Meszéna & Gy. Szabó: Dynamics of populations on the verge of extinction. Oikos 109(2): 291-296 (2005) PDF
- Mágori, K., P. Szabó, F. Mizera & G. Meszéna: Adaptive dynamics in cellular automaton: Role of spatiality in competition, coexistence and evolutionary branching. Evolutionary Ecology Research 7: 1-21 (2005) PDF
- Gyllenberg, M. & G. Meszéna: On the impossibility of coexistence of infinitely many strategies. Journal of Mathematical Biology 50: 133-160 (2005) abstract PDF Copyright: Springer. The original publication is available at
- Geritz, S.A.H., É. Kisdi, G. Meszéna & J.A.J. Metz: Adaptive dynamics of speciation. In: U. Dieckmann, M. Doebeli, J.A.J. Metz, D. Tautz (eds.) Adaptive speciation. Cambridge University Press (2004) PDF The book itself.
- Vukics, A., J. Asbóth & G. Meszéna: Speciation in multidimensional evolutionary space. Physical Review E 68, 041903 (2003) abstract PDF
- Mágori, K., Oborny, B., Dieckmann, U. & Meszéna, G.: Cooperation and competition in heterogeneous environments: The evolution of resource sharing in clonal plants. Evolutionary Ecology Research 5(6): 787-817 (2003) abstract PDF
- Mizera, F. & G. Meszéna: Spatial niche packing, character displacement and adaptive speciation along an environmental gradient. Evolutionary Ecology Research 5: 363-382 (2003)
abstract PDF - Meszéna G. & E. Szathmáry: Adaptive dynamics of parabolic replicators. Selection 2(1-2):147-159 (2001) PDF (Courtesy of Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest.)
- Meszéna G., É. Kisdi, U. Dieckmann , S.A.H. Geritz & J.A.J. Metz: Evolutionary optimisation models and matrix games in the unified perspective of adaptive dynamics. Selection 2(1-2):193-210 (2001) PDF (Courtesy of Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest.)
- Meszéna G., H.V. Westerhoff & O. Somsen: Reply to Comment on
‘Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of light absorption’. Journal of Physics A: Mathematics and General 33:1301-1303 (2000) abstract - Pásztor, L., É. Kisdi & G. Meszéna: Jensen’s inequality and optimal life history strategies in stochastic environments. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 15(3): 117-118 (2000) abstract
- Meszéna G. & H.V. Westerhoff: Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of light absorption. Journal of Physics A: Mathematics and General 32: 301-311 (1999) abstract PDF
- Kisdi, É, G. Meszéna & L. Pásztor: Individual optimization: Mechanisms shaping the optimal reaction norm. Evolutionary Ecology 12: 211-221 (1998) abstract
- Geritz, S.A.H., É. Kisdi, G. Meszéna & J.A.J. Metz: Evolutionary singular strategies and the evolutionary growth and branching of the evolutionary tree. Evolutionary Ecology 12: 35-57 (1998) abstract
- Meszéna G., I. Czibula & S.A.H. Geritz: Adaptive dynamics in a 2-patch environment: a toy model for allopatric and parapatric speciation. Journal of Biological Systems 5(2): 265-284 (1997) abstract PDF
- Geritz, S.A.H., J.A.J. Metz, É. Kisdi, & G. Meszéna : The dynamics of adaptation and evolutionary branching. Physical Reviev Letters 78(10): 2024-2027 (1997) PDF
- Pásztor, E., G. Meszéna & É. Kisdi: R0 or r: a matter of taste? J. Evol. Biol. 9: 511-518 (1996) abstract
- Metz, J.A.J., S.A.H. Geritz, G. Meszéna, F.J.A. Jacobs & J.S. van Heerwaarden: Adaptive dynamics, a geometrical study of the consequences of nearly faithfull reproduction I. In: S.J. van Strien & S.M. Verduyn Lunel (eds.) Stochastic and spatial structures of dynamical systems. North Holland, Amsterdam (1996), pp. 183-231
- Kisdi É. & G. Meszéna: Life histories with lottery competition in a stochastic environment: ESSs which do not prevail. Theor. Pop. Biol. 47(2): 191-211 (1995) abstract
- Osváth Sz., G. Meszéna, V. Barazda & Gy. Garab: Trapping magnetically oriented thylakoid membranes in gels for electric measurements. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biology 26: 287-292 (1994) abstract
- Meszéna G.: Wavelength dependence and kinetics of the photovoltaic effects in chloroplast suspensions. Biophysical Chemistry 48: 315-319 (1994) abstract
- Meszéna G. & H.V. Westerhoff: Light intensity distribution in thylakoids and the polarity of the photovoltage effect. Biopysical Chemistry 48: 321-336 (1994) abstract
- Meszéna G.: Path Analysis in General Control Theory. In: Modern trends in BioThermoKinetics. Ed. J-P. Mazat, S. Schuster, M. Rigoulet. Plenum Press, London, 1993, pp. 217- 224 abstract
- Meszéna G. & H.V. Westerhoff: Photovoltage measurements as a probe of light distribution and ion movements around photosynthetic apparatus In: Modern trends in BioThermoKinetics. Ed. J-P. Mazat, S. Schuster, M. Rigoulet. Plenum Press, London, 1993, pp. 401- 406
- Kisdi É. & Meszéna G.: Density Dependent Life History Evolution in Fluctuating Environment. In: Lecture Notes in Biomathematics 98: Adaptation in Stochastic Environments (ed. J. Yoshimura & C.W. Clark), 1993, pp. 26-62 abstract
- Meszéna G. & L. Pásztor: Population regulation and life-history strategies. In: Proceeding in nonlinear science. Organizational constraints on the dynamics of evolution. Ed. J. Maynard Smith and G. Vida. Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York (1990) PDF
- Meszéna G. & D. DeVault: Investigations of the polarity of photo-induced electrical signal of chloroplast suspensions. Photosynthesis Research 22: 115-122 (1989)
- Meszéna G., E. Papp & G. Fricsovszky: Study of the fast photoelectric signal from a chloroplast suspension. Studia Biophysica 126: 77-86 (1988)
- Papp E., G. Fricsovszky & G. Meszéna G: Electrodichroism of purple membrane. Biophys. J. 49: 1089-1100 (1986)
- Fricsovszky G., E. Papp, G. Meszéna & A. E.-Lakkani: Kinetics of the M state of bacteriorhodopsin. Studia Biophys. 111: 23-34 (1986)
- Meszéna G. & L. Pásztor: Density-dependent life-history strategies (in Hungarian) Abstracta Botanica 10: 97-116 (1986)
- Papp, E. & G. Meszéna: Field concentration and temperature dependence of fluorescence polarization of magnetically oriented chloroplasts. Biophys. J. 39: 1 (1982)