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Lectures, posters

Lectures and posters by Géza Meszéna


  1. Géza Meszéna, Ulf Dieckmann: Three-phase transitions to reproductive isolation: The roles of utilization mismatch and residual selection. Poster, Speciation Gordon Research Conference: The Origin and Persistence of Species, Lucca, Italy, Jan 29 – Feb 3, 2023 PDF


  1. Meszéna, G.: Coherence of our field of study. Lecture, Institute of Evolution, Centre for Ecological Research, Budapest, 2022 PDF


  1. Meszéna, G.: Coexistence, niche, adaptation and all that…. Virtual lecture, Theoretical Ecology Seminar, International Initiative for Theoretical Ecology, 9 Mar 2021 PDF video


  1. Meszéna, G.: Population genetics of Darwinian speciation. Lecture, Darwin Days 2020, Tihany, 11-13 Feb 2020 PDF
  2. Meszéna, G.: Feasibilitiy and niche segregation. Lecture, Virtual workshop, University of Namur, 7 Dec, 2020 PDF


  1. Meszéna, G.: Population genetics of speciation. Poster at the conference ‘Tovards an Integrated Concept of Adaptation: Uniting molecular population genetics quantitative genetics’, an SMBE satellite meeting, Vienna, Austria, 11-14 February, 2019    PDF
  2. Meszéna, G.: Population genetics of speciation. Lecture at the „Evolutionary Biology Day 2019”, Szeged, 18 April 2019   PDF
  3. Meszéna, G.: First principles theory of ecological niche. Invited lecture, Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution, Lyon, France, 16-19 July, 2019 PDF
  4. Rossberg, A., Barabás, Gy., Meszéna, G.: IITE – One Year On. Poster, Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution, Lyon, France, 16-19 July, 2019 PDF
  5. Meszéna, G. Emergence of reproductive isolation in ecological speciation. Lecture, Reproductive strategies from genes to societies, Debrecen, Hungary, 7-9 november, 2019 PDF
  6. Meszéna, G. On the role of theory in ecology. Seminar lecture in the Institute of Ecology and Botany, Vácrátót, 28 Nov 2019 PDF


  1. Meszéna, G: Biomath of biodiversity. Invited lecture at the Finnish Mathematical Days 2018, Joensuu, Finnland, 4-5 January, 2018 PDF
  2. Meszéna, G: Sympatric, or allopatric? Adaptive emergence of reproductive isolation in different ecological situations. Lecture at the conference Models in Population Dynamics, Ecology, and Evolution (MPDEE’18), Leicester, UK, 9-13 April, 2018 PDF
  3. Meszéna, G. & Pásztor, L.: Regulated landscape: Integrate ecology. Poster at the II. Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, Montpellier, France, 19-22 August, 2018 PDF


  1. Meszéna, G: Mathematical niche theory and the biodiversity problem. Lecture at the Minisymposium „Coexistence in complex ecological communities” during the congress Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution, 2017. PDF
  2. Meszéna, G: Niche theory for a fluctuating world. Lecture at the conference Probability: From East to West. 17-20 July, 2017, Prato, Italy. PDF
  3. Meszéna, G: Structural stability = niche segregation. StructInst Workshop, London, 11-15 September, 2017  PDF


  1. Meszéna, G.: Theory-Based Ecology: The mathematics of life. University of Helsinki, 7-10 March, 2016 PDF


  1. Meszéna, G.: Niche theory in ecology and evolution: A mathematical exercise, or help in biology? Modelling Biological Evolution 2015: Linking Mathematical Theories with Empirical Realities, Leicester, UK, 28 April – 1 May, 2015 PDF
  2. Meszéna, G.: Sensitivity: defining issue of coexistence and niche. Current Topics Workshop: Uncertainty, sensitivity and predictability in ecology. Columbus, OH, 26-30 October, 2015 PDF


  1. Meszéna, G.: Continuity of adaptive dynamics. Modelling and Analysis of Innovation and Competition Processes, Milano, Italy, 29-30 May, 2014 PDF
  2. Meszéna, G.; Barabás, Gy. & Szilágyi, A.: Niche theory for a complicated world. 9th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Gothenburg, Sweeden, 15-19 June, 2014 PDF
  3. Meszéna, G.; Barabás, Gy. & Pásztor, L.: Niche theory for a complicated world. ESA Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA, 10-15 August, 2014 PDF


  1. Meszéna, G.: Towards a first-principles theory for evolutionary diversification. Modelling Biological Evolution 2013: Recent Progress, Current Challenges and Future Directions, Leicester, UK, 1-3 May, 2013 PDF
  2. Meszéna, G & Dieckmann, U.: Three-phase transition to reproductive isolation. Second European Conference on Speciation Research, Montpellier, 27-29 May, 2013 PDF


  1. Meszéna G: Niche segregation and neutrality: Is there a continuity between them? (in Hungarian) 9th Congress of Hungarian Ecologists, Keszthey, Hungary, 5-7 September, 2012 PDF


  1. Meszéna G: Darwinian speciation on a regulated landscape. Invited lecture, Modeling in Life Sciences, Szeged, Hungary, 3 November, 2011
  2. Meszéna G: Why are there so many kinds of animals? Why is this question so difficult? (in Hungarian) Lecture, Ortvay Seminar, Institute of Physics, Eövös University, Budapest, 27 October, 2011,
  3. Meszéna G: Is there such thing, as niche theory?
    If so, does it have an implication for speciation? Lecture, Niche theory and speciaton, ESF workshop,
    Keszthely, Hungary, 29-31 August 2011
  4. Meszéna G; Barabás G; Parvinen K; Pásztor L; Szilágyi A: Mathematical niche theory. Lecture, Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution,
    Groningen, Netherlands, 17-19 August 2011
  5. Meszéna G; Szilágyi A; Pásztor L: Darwinian speciation on a regulated landscape. Invited lecture, European conference on mathematical and theoretical biology.
    Krakow, Poland, 27 June – 2 July, 2011


  1. Meszéna G; Dieckmann U: Three-phase transition to reproductive isolation. Poster, First European conference on speciation research.
    Laxenburg, Austria, 13-15 December 2010
  2. Pásztor L; Meszéna G: Ecological theory, mechanisms, speciation. Lecture, First European conference on speciation research.
    Laxenburg, Austria, 13-15 December 2010
  3. Meszéna G; Dieckmann U: Three-phase transition to reproductive isolation. Invited lecture, Evolution of reproductive isolation: models and empirical evidence.
    Prague, 11 October, 2010
  4. Meszéna G; Szilágyi A; Pásztor L: Darwinian speciation on a regulated landscape. Poster, Evolution of divergence and speciation models of specific systems.
    Hólar, Iceland, 3-6 August, 2010


  1. Meszéna, G.: Evolution: the state of our science (in Hungarian). Lecture, Hungarian Sceptic Society, Budapest, 15 December, 2009
  2. Meszéna, G.: Speciation modes and Darwinian speciation. Lecture, Speciation symposium,
    Debrecen, Hungary, 7 December, 2009
  3. Meszéna, G.: The 150 years of the ‘Origin of species’ (in Hungarian) Lecture, Ortvay Seminar, Institute of Physics,
    Eövös University, Budapest, 19 November, 2009
  4. Meszéna, G. &amp L. Pásztor: Darwinian speciation (in Hungarian) Lecture, Symposium on evolution for the occasion of Darwin’s anniversary,
    Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 12 November, 2009


  1. Meszéna, G., A. Szilágyi, K. Parvinen &amp L. Pásztor: Competitive niche: Way of population regulation. Lecture, 93rd ESA Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, USA 2008
  2. Pásztor, L. Z. Botta-Dukát, T. Czárán, G. Magyar &amp G. Meszéna: Linking research and education: Integration of population and evolutionary ecology based on first principles. Lecture, 93rd ESA Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, USA 2008
  3. Meszéna, G., A. Szilágyi &amp K. Parvinen: Competition and coexistence: towards an integrated theory. Lecture, European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Edinburgh, UK, 2008
  4. Meszéna, G.: Ecology and evolution in an eye of a physicist. (in Hungarian) Lecture, The first 10 years of the Department of Biological Physics, Eövös University, Budapest, 2008
  5. Meszéna, G.: Competition and coexistence: models in the textbook. (in Hungarian) Lecture, Biologist’s Days in Kolozsvár,
    Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2008 PDF


  1. Meszéna, G.: Competition and coexistence: Why more than one species exist? Lecture, BIOCOMP2007, Collective dynamics: Topics on Competition and Cooperation in Biosciences.
    Vietry sul Mare, Italy, 2007
  2. Meszéna, G.: Assumptions of adaptive dynamics: a re-evaluation. Lecture, Mathematical Models
    in Evolution and Ecology, University of Sussex, UK, 2007
  3. Meszéna, G.: Coexistence and competition: ecology and evolution. (in Hungarian) Open discussion of the Thesis for the Doctorate of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 19 June, 2007.
  4. Meszéna, G. &amp Szilágyi, A.: Towards niche theory for a stochastic word. Lecture, workshop „Stochastic approaches to evolution”, Göteborg, 2007


  1. Meszéna, G.: From niche theory to adaptive speciation. Lecture, ESI workshop on „Causes of Ecological and Genetic Diversity”, Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna, 2006.
    (Serves also as my habilitation lecture at Eötvös University.)
  2. Meszéna, G.: Molecular evolution: the mitichondrial Eve, and other stories. (in Hungarian) Lecture, Department of Complex Systems, Eötvös University, Budapest, 2006
  3. Meszéna, G.: Population regulation and niche (in Hungarian). Lecture, Ecological Section, Hungarian Biological Society, Budapest, 2006
  4. Meszéna, G.: From population dynamics to AD.Lecture, ESF workshop on Adaptive Dynamics. Tvarminne, Finland, 2006


  1. Meszéna, G.: Why do I work with Mats? From evolutionary ecology to functional analysis. Lecture, Workshop on Mathematical Biology, 19 December, 2005. University of
    Helsinki, Finland (2005)
  2. Meszéna, G., M. Gyllenberg, F. J. Jacobs, J.A.J. Metz: Dynamics of similar populations. Lecture, International Workshop on Differential Equations in Mathematical Biology.
    Le Havre, France (2005)
  3. Meszéna, G., M. Gyllenberg, F. J. Jacobs, J.A.J. Metz: Assumptions of Adaptive Dynamics: a re-evaluation. Lecture, European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology,
    Dresden, Germany (2005)
  4. Magyar, G., G. Meszéna, B. Oborny: Coexistence of species on a heterogeneous lattice: comparison of two approaches. Lecture by G. Magyar, European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology,
    Dresden, Germany (2005)
  5. Meszéna, G.: Adaptive dynamics: Why do more than one species live on Earth? (in Hungarian). Lecture, Ortvay colloquium, Budapest, 2005


  1. Meszéna, G.: Population regulation and niche (in Hungarian). Lecture, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 2004
  2. Meszéna, G., M. Gyllenberg, F. J. Jacobs, J.A.J. Metz: Population Dynamics of similar strategies: a bridge to adaptive dynamics.Lecture, Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics, Trento, Italy (2004)
  3. Durnix, M., J.A.J. Metz & G. Meszéna: Invasion fitness near evolutionary singularities. Lecture by M. Durinx, Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics, Trento, Italy (2004)


  1. Meszéna, G.: On the beauties of the interaction operator. Lecture, Workshop on Mathematical Biology, Mathematisches Forshunginstitute Oberwolfach,
    Obervolfach, Germany (2003)


  1. Meszéna, G., E. Szathmáry: Adaptive dynamics of parabolic replicators. Lecture, Closing Workshop of the ESF Programme „Theoretical Biology of Adaptation”,
    Tihany, Hungary (2001)
  2. Meszéna, G., U. Dieckmann, M. Doebeli: Effects of disruptive selection on a sexually reproducing population. Lecture, 8th ESEB Congress, Aarhus, Denmark (2001)
  3. Mizera, F., G. Meszéna: Spatial niche packing, character displacement and adaptive
    speciation in an environmental gradient.
    Poster, 8th ESEB Congress, Aarhus, Denmark (2001)
  4. Lantos, D., G. Meszéna: Adaptive dynamics of fluctuating environment. Poster, 8th ESEB Congress, Aarhus, Denmark (2001)
  5. Meszéna, G: Similar strategies and adaptive dynamics. Lecture, ESF Workshop on Adaptive Dynamics, Kevo, Finland (2001)
  6. Meszéna, G: Limiting similarity. Lecture, ESF Workshop on Adaptive Dynamics, Kevo, Finland (2001)


  1. Meszéna, G: Adaptive dynamics in varying environment. Lecture, Adaptive dynamics and spatial ecology.
    Opening workshop of Japan-IIASA population ecology collaboration, Laxenburg, Austria (2000)


  1. Meszéna G.: Models of adaptive speciation. Lecture, The Formation of Biodiversity Through Adaptive Speciation, Laxenburg, Austria (1999)
  2. Mágori, K., G. Meszéna, B. Oborny: Evolution of integration rate of clonal plants. Poster, 7th ESEB Congress, Barcelona (1999)
  3. Meszéna, G., F.B. Christiansen: Adaptive emergence of reproductive isolation. Lecture, 7th ESEB Congress, Barcelona (1999)


  1. Meszéna, G.: Limiting similarity reconsidered. Lecture, Alcala 1st International Conference on Mathematical Ecology, Madrid (1998)


  1. Meszéna, G.: Adaptive dynamics with 2 (infinite?) dimensional density regulation. Lecture, Adaptive Dynamics: beyond ESS, Mátrahaza, Hungary (1996)
  2. Meszéna, G.: Generating biological diversity: adaptive dynamics in resource space. Lecture, 5th International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology,
    Budapest (1996)


  1. Meszéna, G., S.A.H. Geritz, I. Czibula, É. Kisdi: Evolutionary branching in an environment consisting twopatches. Poster, 7th European Ecological Congress, Budapest, August 20-25,
  2. Meszéna, G., S.A.H. Geritz, É. Kisdi, L. Pásztor: Adaptive dynamics and resource partitioning. Lecture, 7th European Ecological Congress, Budapest, August 20-25,
  3. Meszéna G., S.A.H. Geritz, É. Kisdi, E. Pásztor: Adaptive dynamics in resource space: a toy model for allopatric and parapatric speciation. Invited lecture, 4th International Congress on Mathematical Population Dynamics, Houston, Texas (1995)


  1. Meszéna G., Hans V. Westerhoff: Is light a substrate? On microscopic reversibility of light reactions. Poster, 6th BioThermoKinetics Conference, Schröcken-Innnsbruck, Austria (1994)


  1. Meszéna G., Osváth Sz., Garab Gy.: Orientation dependence of the light gradient photovoltaic signal in chloroplast suspension.Poster, 11th International Biophysics Congress, Budapest (1993)
  2. Meszéna G., Hans V. Westerhoff: Light distibution in thylakoids. Poster, 11th International Biophysics Congress, Budapest (1993)


  1. Meszéna G.: Path Analysis in General Control Theory.Poster, 5th BioThermoKinetics Conference, Bordeaux-Bombannes (1992)
  2. Meszéna G., Hans V. Westerhoff: Photovoltage measurements as a probe of light distribution and ion movements around photosynthetic apparatus.Poster, 5th BioThermoKinetics Conference, Bordeaux-Bombannes (1992)
  3. Meszéna G.: Light intensity pattern in the thylakoid system. Poster, 7th European Bioenergetics Conference, Helsinki (1992)


  1. Pásztor, L., Meszéna G., Török J., Tóth L.: Density-dependent success in large, natural broods of the Collared Flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis) in bad years.Poster, 3rd Congress of ESEB, Debrecen (1991)
  2. Tóth Z., Török J. Meszéna G.: Automatic observing of hole-nesting birds during parental care period. Poster, 3rd Congress of ESEB, Debrecen (1991)
  3. Kisdi É., Meszéna G.: Life history evolution with fluctuating demographic parameters. Poster, 3rd Congress of ESEB, Debrecen (1991)
  4. Kisdi É., Meszéna G.: Contest competition in a stochastic environment: disadvantage of the rare type. Poster, 3rd Congress of ESEB, Debrecen (1991)
  5. Meszéna G.: Remarks on density-dependent optimization. Poster, 3rd Congress of ESEB, Debrecen (1991)


  1. Meszéna, G.: Density-dependent trade-offs. Poster, 6th Meeting of the Population Biology Group, Oberjoch (1990)
  2. Meszéna, G.: Why polarity of the photoelectric signal is wavelength-dependent? Invited lecture, „Carbohydrates”, Ustron, Poland


  1. Meszéna, G.: On the polarity and kinetics of photoelectric signal. Poster, 3rd Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Budapest (1989)


  1. Meszéna G.: Investigations on photoelectric signals of chloroplasts.Lecture, Midwest Photosynthesis Seminar, Turkey Run, Indiana (1987)
  2. Meszéna G.: Density-dependent life-history strategies. Lecture, Founding Congress of the European Society Evolutionary Biology, Basel (1987)
  3. Kisdi É., Meszéna G.: Fertility selection with trade-off between fitness components. Lecturte, Founding Congress of the European Society of Evolutionary Biology, Basel (1987)
  4. Meszéna G.: Changes in population density with optimal life-history strategies. Lecture, „Organizational constraints on the dynamics of evolution”, Budapest (1987)


  1. Meszéna G., E. Papp, G. Fricsovszky, A. E.-Lakkani: Some further details of the light-induced electric signal in chloroplast suspension. Poster, 4th European Bioenergetics Conference, Prague, (1986)


  1. Meszéna, G., E. Papp, A. Pető: Some aspects of fluorescence polarization of chloroplasts oriented in magnetic field. Poster, 11th Conference on Biophysics, Szeged, Hungary (1981)