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This was my original research interest before I moved to theoretical ecology and evolution.

We had a Biophysics Group lead by Elemér Papp at the Department of Atomic Physics. Bioenergetics was our general research topics. The photoelectric signal in cloroplasts was my main interest.

Related papers:

  1. Papp, E. & G. Meszéna: Field concentration and temperature dependence of fluorescence polarization of magnetically oriented chloroplasts. Biophys. J. 39: 1 (1982)
  2. Meszéna G., E. Papp & G. Fricsovszky: Study of the fast photoelectric signal from a
    chloroplast suspension. Studia Biophysica 126: 77-86 (1988)
  3. Meszéna G. & D. DeVault: Investigations of the polarity of photo-induced electrical
    signal of chloroplast suspensions. Photosynthesis Research 22: 115-122 (1989)
  4. Meszéna G.: Wavelength dependence and kinetics of the photovoltaic effects in chloroplast suspensions. Biophysical Chemistry 48: 315-319 (1994)
  5. Meszéna G. & H.V. Westerhoff: Light intensity distribution in thylakoids and the polarity of the photovoltage effect. Biopysical Chemistry 48: 321-336 (1994)
  6. Osváth Sz., G. Meszéna, V. Barazda & Gy. Garab: Trapping magnetically oriented thylakoid membranes in gels for electric measurements. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biology 26: 287-292 (1994)
  7. Meszéna G. & H.V. Westerhoff: Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of light absorption. Journal of Physics A: Mathematics and General 32: 301-311
  8. Meszéna G., H.V. Westerhoff & O. Somsen: Reply to Comment on ‘Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of light absorption’. Journal of Physics A: Mathematics and General 33:1301-1303 (2000)